A New Approach to Explore the Archive of the Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry

Computerizing a Language Collection of Spoken Yiddish

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Dr. Ulrike Kiefer is a scholar of Yiddish and German studies and Columbia alumna; until recently she has been a researcher and teacher at Bochum University, this year she is senior researcher in the EU-sponsored project: Jiddisch zum Selbststudium im INTERNET (Yiddish for self-study in the INTERNET). 

Robert Neumann represents the Association for the Promotion of Yiddish Language and Culture, Düsseldorf. Up until Oct. last year he was head of the linguistic-computational department of the Institute of German Language (IDS), Mannheim and was responsible for the development of the COSMAS corpus-system. He is now working as a consultant for German governmental agencies.

Ulrike Kiefer
Robert Neumann
D-40476 Düsseldorf, Directing Board: Dr. Klaus Schütz Robert Neumann Paul Spiegel Dr. Gerhard Pfeiffer-Jäger
Zietenstraße 50, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany, homepage: http://www.cyberspider.de/eydes
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