Enhanced Access (4):

detected areal patterns 
synthesized maps

Rule Based


You see a map displaying linguistic areas (Flächendarstellung).
The technique is common in dialectology and has often been discussed.
We propose here to conceive of 'area construction' as a process of accessing utterances in special well-defined neighborhoods. 
Possible neighborhoods are not known in advance. So we need a technique to detect and classify significant neighborhoods. 
The detection of areal structure is based on pattern match.
Keyword: "braun", based on the morph 27 of the KDSA; word endings.
Illustration from:
R. Neumann / W. Putschke, Automatische Sprachkartographie. In: Dialektologie, ed. by Besch/Knoop/Putschke/Wiegand, vol. 1.1, Berlin/New York 1982: 749 - 778.
W. Putschke / R. Neumann, Atlas Linguarum Europae aus der Sicht der Automatischen Kartierung, in: Studien zum Kleinen Deutschen Sprachatlas (hrsg. von W. Putschke / W.H. Veith), vol. 2, Tübingen 1989: 15 - 77..

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